Giving back to the community

Westminster Presbyterian Church has forged partnerships with many local non-profit groups working to address the most compelling needs of our community. We call them our Doorstep Missions.

Food for Lane County

Once a month church volunteers prepare and serve a hot meal in the Community Dining Room. Others volunteer as individuals in the Dining Room on 8th Street or at the warehouse on Bailey Hill Road. Our Youth collect canned goods during the week preceding the Super Bowl which is called Westminster’s Souper Bowl of Caring. This year, the Youth collected over 330 cans of soup and foods to donate and $138 in cash.

On the third Sunday of every month, Westminster collects canned and boxed foods during Worship which is known as SHOPPING CART SUNDAY which is donated to Food for Lane county.

Shelter Care

Members donate much needed household items and clothing during our annual Special Needs Drive every February. We provide Christmas gifts to Hawthorne House residents via the Giving Tree during the holiday season.

First Place

Westminster supports services for families struggling to find housing. Volunteers from the church prepare and serve three meals and dessert daily during our week long sign-up for families staying at The Annex housing in the spring time. All food is purchased by members of the congregation, prepared and served at The Annex facility. Westminster’s Youth Group prepares and serves a delicious Ice Cream Sundae to all families and individuals staying at The Annex also. Our volunteers play games with the children and befriend many of the adults.


Our church supports the work of this agency to reintegrate ex-offenders into the community. We donate clothing and household items during the Special Needs Drive. Some hire day laborers to do yard work or carpentry.

Station 7- Looking Glass

Support services for runaway and homeless youth. Donate clothing and games during Special Needs Drive.

Rainbow Village

Provide Christmas gifts to children via the Giving Tree. Westminster volunteers serve on the Rainbow Village Board. Deacons prepare food boxes for Christmas Dinner.

Eugene Mission

Support services for men, women and families in need of housing and job training. Donate clothing year round. Donate surplus food.