1956. Alma McCann leads a Sunday School class in the kitchen improvised as a classroom.
April 15, 1956. Fellowship Hall dedicated “to the glory of God, the fellowship of Christian people and the service of mankind.”
Fellowship Hall was built entirely by volunteers with partially donated materials. Furniture and equipment were bought with funds from the sale of walnuts harvested on the property. Pictured: Bob Van Orden, Robb Huntington, Walt Van Orden.
Fellowship Hall was used as an activity room weekdays and for Sunday classes with the triptych doors closed on the rear center stage.
1961. The architectural firm of Stewart and Richardson received an award from the Church Architects Guild of America for the design of Westminsterʼs sanctuary. It departed from the traditional yet conveyed the ever-present spirit of God. Church members completed the interior which was dedicated December 3, 1961
1961. The design of the sanctuary sought to combine sound structural engineering, artistic details, acoustical perfection and functional practicability.
1961. The sanctuary was designed to preach the Word of God, administer the Sacraments, read the scriptures, pray and sing hymns. The evening services for Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve are among the most beautiful and meaningful held in this stunning setting.
1982. The memorial garden provides an outdoor meditation, worship and social area with its wisteria-garbed gazebo, barbeque and curved benches. Shrubs and garden pathways complete the ambiance. Dedicated May 30, 1982.
1983. Volunteers working on the roof of the Christian Education Wing. The accommodations were a vast improvement over the improvised classrooms used for twenty years.
1984. Groundbreaking for the Christian Education Wing took place August 14,1983 and was ready for occupancy September 16, 1984. It was built by volunteers–an allchurch enterprise. Pictured above are Red Robertson and Mike Stewart, just two of the many who toiled for over a year to give the church children their own place.