Westminster is not just a building, it is people, it is YOU. You, your prayers, your devotion, your love, your service, your talents, your participation. You fit in. Choose the activity you like best to do. Make new friends and make Westminster truly your church.

Contact the office at 541-343-3140 for more information.

Fellowship/Membership, Outreach

Presbyterian Women’s Circle–1:30 pm and 7:00 pm the 3rd Thursday of the month

Menʼs Breakfast Group–8:00 am every Wednesday at Countryside Pizza and Grill.

Townscape Walkers– 9:00 am every Thursday.  The location varies, contact Julia Frederick for more information.

Christian Education

Adult Sunday School–11 a.m. most Sundays.

Worship & Music

Chancel Choir–Sundays; practice 9 a.m. Sundays and 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays.


Liaison with Doorstep (local) Missions–year round.

Rainbow Village, low-income housing–year round.

Foreign Mission, various activities and times

Creation Care Committee–year round.

Building & Grounds

Maintenance, lawn mowing, grounds care–year round.